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Horizontal scaling

In a Kubernetes cluster, orchestration refers to the automated coordination, deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications and their associated workloads.

Horizontal scaling is crucial for services hosted on a Kubernetes cluster for several reasons, and it aligns with the fundamental principles of container orchestration and cloud-native architectures.

Horizontal scaling in Nautilus allows you increase the overall workload of your jobs, improve reliability and availability, use resources more efficiently, load balance across replicas, and it increases fault tolerance (no single instance failing disrupts your work). Horizontal scaling is common practice for cloud-native applications.


This section builds on skills from both the Quickstart and the tutorial on Basic Kubernetes.

Learning Objectives

  1. You will learn how to deploy a basic Apache service across multiple replicas.
  2. You will learn how to load balance between replicas.
  3. You understand how to expose services running inside of your pods to the public internet.

Let's launch multiple web servers

In this exercise, we will launch multiple Web servers.

To make distinguishing the two servers easier, we will force the nodename into their homepages. Using stock images, we achieve this by using an init container.

You can copy-and-paste the lines below into a new file called http2.yaml (using the cat command to redirect the standard input).

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: test-http
    k8s-app: test-http
  replicas: 2
      k8s-app: test-http
        k8s-app: test-http
      - name: myinit
        image: busybox
        command: ["sh", "-c", "echo '<html><body><h1>I am ' `hostname` '</h1></body></html>' > /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html"]
        - name: dataroot
          mountPath: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs
      - name: mypod
        image: httpd:alpine
             memory: 200Mi
             cpu: 1
             memory: 50Mi
             cpu: 50m
        - name: dataroot
          mountPath: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs
      - name: dataroot
        emptyDir: {}

❓ Examine the above text and try to identify what makes this different than the other YAML files we've encountered so far. Some new fields can be found under the initContainers tag.

❓ What's different about the image you are running in this pod? Previously, we ran versions of Ubuntu, and in one instance, we had to install additional software manually. How could we avoid that in the future? You might look up "busybox" to understand better what that image is and what it does. ❓ What is "busybox" doing for us here?

❓ What happens if you want to scale beyond just two replicas? Feel free to change the number of replicas (within reason) and the text it is shown in home page of each server, if so desired.

❗ Note that the "httpd" container defines the command to run, which is the web server in this case. If you're running some other container that does not define the command, you'd have to specify it in the command field (instead of sleep infinity in previous examples). This ensures that the container does what you expect every time it starts.

Launch the deployment:

Now that you have created this new YAML file, and you understand what makes this file different, let's try it by executing the following command.

kubectl create -f http2.yaml

❗ Since we know that containers running in Nautilus aren't exposed to the broader internet, but it's critical to remember that they are exposed to other pods running in our namespace. This is feature is beneficial when thinking about deploying complex software or services in Kubernetes.

In order for us to examine what's happening in our deployment, we'll need to access it via another pod running within our namespace.

Let's build a pod to examine our deployment

❗ It's an important skill to be able to iterate by modifying your existing YAML files. This is how most people develop new versions: they modify existing versions.

In this mini-exercise, we are going to copy pod1.yaml, make some modifications using our favorite CLI text editor (e.g. vi, nano or vim), and use our modified version to peer into our pods from http2.yaml.

Let's recall what the pod1.yaml file looked like:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: test-pod
  - name: mypod
    image: ubuntu
        memory: 100Mi
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 100Mi
        cpu: 100m
    command: ["sh", "-c", "echo 'Im a new pod' && sleep infinity"]
❓ What resources are we requesting in this example? Are the resources requested for this pod capable of much?

❗ In Kubernetes, the base unit for describing memory resources is the byte. However, to make it more convenient and human-readable, memory values are commonly expressed in multiples of bytes using the International System of Units (SI) prefixes.

  • Kilobyte (Ki): 1 Ki is equivalent to 1024 bytes.
  • Megabyte (Mi): 1 Mi is equivalent to 1024 KiB or 1,048,576 bytes.
  • Gigabyte (Gi): 1 Gi is equivalent to 1024 MiB or 1,073,741,824 bytes.
  • ...and so on

❗ In Kubernetes, the base unit for describing CPU resources is the "millicore" which represents one thousandth of a CPU core. The term "millicore" is often abbreviated as "mCPU" or simply "m" (as above). For example, a CPU value of "100m" means 100 millicores, which is equivalent to 0.1 CPU core. Similarly, "500m" represents 500 millicores or 0.5 CPU core.

A Container that has curl

In order for us to use another pod to peer into our load-balanced web servers, we need a container that has curl as a preinstalled package. It's important for us to realize that a customized container that automates what we need is much preferred for repeatability and scale (and they are often available prebuilt in places like Docker Hub).

❓ Where might we look for a basic Ubuntu container that has curl preinstalled?

In this case, we're providing you with an image that has 'curl' preinstalled. Create a YAML file with the name pod-curl.yaml by coping the code below.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: test-curl-pod
  - name: mycurlpod
    image: curlimages/curl:latest
        memory: 200Mi
        cpu: 200m
        memory: 200Mi
        cpu: 200m
    command: ["sh", "-c", "echo 'Im a new curl pod' && sleep infinity"]
❗Notice that we've increased our resources and requests for memory and CPU.

❗ When using a shared Kubernetes cluster (or any shared cluster for that matter), it is wise to balance your need for resources with their availability. Asking for too many resources will decrease the chances the cluster can provide them in a reasonable timeframe. Asking for too few resources will negatively impact your ability to compute.

Once this new pod is launched, you can continue with the tutorial.

Check your web servers are running and get their IP addresses

Check the pods you have, alongside the IPs they were assigned to:

kubectl get pods -o wide

Log into pod1

kubectl exec -it test-curl-pod -- /bin/sh

Now, from inside your curl-capable pod, try to pull the home pages from the two Web servers; use the IPs you obtained above:

curl http:// < IPofPod >

Each pod should say something like, "<html><body><h1>I am test-http-76f7d84c67-j5ff4 </h1></body></html>"where the hash of numbers and characters is unique to each pod you are querying.

Load balancing

Having to manually switch between the two Pods is obviously tedious. What we really want is to have a single logical address that will automatically load-balance between them.

You can copy-and-paste the lines below.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    k8s-app: test-svc
  name: test-svc
  - port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 80
    k8s-app: test-http
  type: ClusterIP

Let’s now start the service:

kubectl create -f svc2.yaml

Look up your service, and write down the IP it is reporting under:

kubectl get services

Log into pod1

kubectl exec -it test-curl-pod -- /bin/sh

Now try to pull the home page from the service IP:

curl http://*IPofService*

❓ Try it a few times…by repeating the command (hint: the ↑ on your keyboard will toggle through previous commands). Which Web server is serving you? Does it matter? How could you imagine using a service like this to balance the load across multiple pods or deployments?

❗Note that you can also use the local DNS name for this (from pod1)

curl http://test-svc.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local

❓Do you remember what namespace you are using?

Exposing public services

Sometimes you have the opposite problem; you want to export resources of a single node to the public internet.

The above Web services only serve traffic on the private IP network LAN. If you try curl from your laptops, you will never reach those Pods!

What we need, is set up an Ingress instance for our service.

kind: Ingress
  annotations: haproxy
  name: test-ingress
  - host:
      - backend:
            name: test-svc
              number: 80
        path: /
        pathType: ImplementationSpecific
  - hosts:

Launch the new ingress

kubectl create -f ingress.yaml

You should now be able to fetch the Web pages from your browser by opening

❗ Note that SSL termination is already provided for you. More information is available in Ingress section.

You can now delete the deployment:

kubectl delete -f http2.yaml
kubectl delete -f svc2.yaml
kubectl delete -f ingress.yaml
kubectl delete -f pod-curl.yaml

The end

❗ Please make sure you did not leave any running pods, deployments, ingresses or services behind.